Words Like GNOMON

We have put together a list of words that are similar to GNOMON.

1 Alternative Words Similar to gnomon

1 Indicator Noun      Synonym Words Like Indicator

1 examples of gnomon

1 the gnomon bcdefg of the parallelograms ac and af

10 definitions of gnomon

1 The style or pin, which by its shadow, shows the hour of the day. It is usually set parallel to the earth's axis.
2 A style or column erected perpendicularly to the horizon, formerly used in astronomocal observations. Its principal use was to find the altitude of the sun by measuring the length of its shadow.
3 The space included between the boundary lines of two similar parallelograms, the one within the other, with an angle in common. The parallelogram bf is the complement of the parallelogram df.
4 The index of the hour circle of a globe.
5 indicator provided by the stationary arm whose shadow indicates the time on the sundial
6 An object, such as the style of a sundial, that projects a shadow used as an indicator.
7 The geometric figure that remains after a parallelogram has been removed from a similar but larger parallelogram with which it shares a corner.
8 On a sun-dial, the triangular projecting piece which by its shadow shows the hour of the day; also, any index to a sun-dial or to a meridian-mark, especially a very large one. The early gnomons used for astronomical purposes were vertical pillars or obelisks.
9 The index of the hour-circle of a globe.
10 A piece of a parallelogram left after a similar parallelogram has been removed from a corner of it. Thus, in the figure, EFGBCD is a gnomon.
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