We have put together a list of words that are similar to SPERMACETI.

1 Alternative Words Similar to spermaceti

1 Wax Noun      Synonym Words Like Wax

7 definitions of spermaceti

1 A white waxy substance obtained from cavities in the head of the sperm whale, and used making candles, oilments, cosmetics, etc. It consists essentially of ethereal salts of palmitic acid with ethal and other hydrocarbon bases. The substance of spermaceti after the removal of certain impurities is sometimes called cetin.
2 a white waxy substance from oil of the sperm whale
3 A white, waxy substance consisting of various esters of fatty acids, obtained from the head of the sperm whale or another cetacean and used for making candles, ointments, and cosmetics.
4 A peculiar fatty substance contained in the characteristic adipose tissue of the cavity of the head of the spermwhale or cachalot, Physeter or Catodon macrocephalus, and related cetaceans.
5 Pertaining to, derived from, or composed of spermaceti or sperm.
6 Producing or yielding spermaceti, as the sperm-whales.
7 A wax obtained from the head of sperm whales. It is used to make cosmetics etc.
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