We have put together a list of words that are similar to ENCYCLOPEDIA.

4 Alternative Words Similar to encyclopedia

1 Cyclopedia Noun      Synonym Words Like Cyclopedia
2 Encyclopaedia Noun      Synonym Words Like Encyclopaedia
3 Cyclopaedia Noun      Synonym Words Like Cyclopaedia
4 Reference Noun      Synonym Words Like Reference

8 definitions of encyclopedia

1 The circle of arts and sciences; a comprehensive summary of knowledge, or of a branch of knowledge; esp., a work in which the various branches of science or art are discussed separately, and usually in alphabetical order; a cyclopedia.
2 a reference work (often in several volumes) containing articles on various topics (often arranged in alphabetical order) dealing with the entire range of human knowledge or with some particular specialty
3 A comprehensive reference work containing articles on a wide range of subjects or on numerous aspects of a particular field, usually arranged alphabetically.
4 The circle of sciences; a general system of instruction in several or all departments of knowledge.
5 Specifically A work in which the various topics included under several or all branches of knowledge are treated separately, and usually in alphabetical order.
6 In a narrower sense, a cyclopedia. See cyclopedia
7 Abbreviated enc., ency., encyc.
8 A comprehensive reference work (often spanning several printed volumes) with in-depth articles (usually arranged in alphabetical order, or sometimes arranged by category) on a range of subjects, sometimes general, sometimes limited to a particular field.
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Wordnik, Wiktionary, Century, American Heritage, Gcide