We have put together a list of words that are similar to DIFFERENTIA.

1 Alternative Words Similar to differentia

1 Difference Noun      Synonym Words Like Difference

1 examples of differentia

1 a proper definition must have both genus and differentia

8 definitions of differentia

1 The formal or distinguishing part of the essence of a species, by which it is distinguished from other members of its genus; the characteristic attribute of a species; specific difference.
2 the set of characteristics distinguishing an entity from related entities.
3 distinguishing characteristics (especially in different species of a genus)
4 An attribute that distinguishes one entity from another, especially an attribute that distinguishes one species from others of the same genus.
5 In logic, the characteristic attribute of a species, or that by which it is distinguished from other species of the same genus; specific difference (which see, under difference).
6 In Gregorian music, a cadence or trope. Also called distinctio.
7 A distinguishing feature which marks something off from other members of the same family.
8 The attribute that distinguishes a species from others of the same genus
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