Words Like ARIGHT

We have put together a list of words that are similar to ARIGHT.

4 Alternative Words Similar to aright

1 Correctly Adverb      Synonym Words Like Correctly
2 Right Adverb      Synonym Words Like Right
3 Incorrectly Adverb      Antonym Words Like Incorrectly
4 Wrongly Adverb      Antonym Words Like Wrongly

2 examples of aright

1 to worship God aright
2 he guessed right

7 definitions of aright

1 Rightly; correctly; in a right way or form; without mistake or crime.
2 in an accurate manner
3 In a proper manner; correctly.
4 Rightly; in a right way or form; without error or fault.
5 To or toward the right hand.
6 Rightly, correctly; in the right way or form.
7 To make right; put right; arrange or treat properly.
We get our data from many different dictionaries across the web:
Wordnik, Wiktionary, Century, American Heritage, Gcide